Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 139, Mumbai

Whew, its been a packed week. I just got back from a meeting with the local ministry workers here in Mumbai, my team is leaving on Saturday to do ministry in Bangalore. We will be in Bangalore for two weeks before we head to Goa to debrief.

I forgot to share a story of provision with you all! I was spending some time one morning looking over my things, everything I have with me. I have some clothes, a Bible and a journal, my brother's guitar, and a broken laptop and iPod, even the suitcases were borrowed. I look back at what I actually owned back home.... I don't own a vehicle furniture....the clothes I didn't bring with me were the clothes I dont wear.... Then it hit me, I don't own anything anymore! I've got my clothes, my Bible, some books, and thats about it. I actually still OWE money! lol. I was reading through Matthew 6 where it talks about how God knows our needs, He feeds the birds and clothes the grass, and how much more important are we! I just started praying. I am the only one on my team who hasn't raised all the money we were each supposed to contribute. I still needed $1,400 for our team to have enough money to finish our ministry here. I had begun to doubt that I would be able to raise this, it seems to hard to get support while you are overseas. I just prayed and asked. Later this day I received an e-mail saying that someone had donated $400! I was so amazed, it was such a blessing. Not only did this help with my financial needs while I'm over here, but it picked up my spirit and strengthened my faith in His provision! How wonderful He is! I do no know who sent this money, but I just wanted to thank you so much, you have no idea how spirit-led that was. It was an answer to prayer and it has blessed me so much! Thank you!

Okay, im being kicked off the computer in this net cafe, I'll post more soon. Probably tomorrow.

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