Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 143, Bangalore

I just spent 24 hours on a train from Mumbai to Bangalore. Very....interesting. As we crammed all our luggage on the train *cough7girls=alotofluggagecough* the girls started picking "beds". They were more like padded shelves, but whatever. The beds were about a foot and a half wide. There were 8 of them. In the main compartment there were six beds, stacked three high, about 6 1/2 feet long. The girls all filled the top four beds, leaving 2 bottom beds which were occupied by an Indian couple. These beds ran perpendicular to the train, then there were two beds that ran parallel to the train. I got stuck with one of these....of course. The only problem: The bed was walled off at the head and foot, and the bed was only about 5 feet 9 inches. Im 6 feet couldn't even hang off the bottom because of the wall. How is it that the tallest person on our team gets the shortest bed? Because im the guy. Thank you Lord for giving me an opportunity to sacrifice my comfort. It made a memory, I'm happy.

Needless to say I had a less that enjoyable nights sleep. When everyone woke the next morning we still had 14 hours left on the train. We did absolutely nothing. lol. We just waited and wrote and read. A few hours before we got off I got my guitar out and decided it would be a good idea to have some worship while we were surrounded by a bunch of Indians. We began to sing and worship, everyone was listening, you could hear it in the whole car. There is just something about worshiping around a bunch of non-believers that gets my blood pumping. As I finished up i decided to talk to the two Indians that were sharing a compartment with us. After a while of talking I found out that they were making a pilgrimage to the south to offer prayers in temples. What was I getting into. I shared my testimony and why my team was heading to Bangalore. They were very interested, and enjoyed talking about it. I have found that the people here are very tolerable and accepting of other religions, but aren't really interested in changing to the Truth. We got off the train and said good-bye to them and made our way to the bus.

Our room isnt too bad, me and Ruseball are sharing a room with three American guys from another DTS outreach team. THANK YOU LORD. This is the first time I've been around another American guy in months, and it is soothing. I'm looking forward to our work here, it will be wonderful and I'm expecting the Lord to do amazing things.

I've gotta run for now, I'll give you all another update after I get the orientation to Bangalore and know what my team will be doing.

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