Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 125, Mumbai

I was informed that the taxi with the pastor would arrive at 3:00pm. Today I would be preaching in the slums. I spent the morning in my room preparing my sermons. I was told to prepare three: One for non-believers, one for new believers, and one for those who have been walking with the Lord for years. Sharing the Gospel for new-believers didn't need any work, and I had knew what I wanted to say to new-believers, but what about those who have been "saved" for years? I decided to start reading and allow whatever pops out to be my message. I read through Acts about Paul's conversion. The way Jesus appeared to him....they way He sent him to the Gentiles, but didnt give him a message to preach. All He did was reveal Himself to him, He began a relationship... Here was my sermon. I would preach about Paul's relationship with Christ, his devotion and passion for Christ....Paul was devoted to a Person not a cause. I had spoken a few days earlier about the Lord shining through our lives not our words, and would tie this into how we cannot have an effective ministry without an affective relationship with the Lord. I would encourage them to not focus on figuring out the words to say to their family and friends to lead them to the Lord, but instead focus on having a deep relationship to the Father through the Holy Spirit. I would then focus the message on living in the Spirit. This is what was important to me, that they understand the need for and the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and how it changes your life.

I put my nice clothes on, grabbed my Bible, and introduced myself to the pastor. From there we went to the slums. He told me that everyone I would meet today would be Christians. We walked through the trash and came to a little shack with a cloth hanging down acting as a door. I slipped my shoes off and ducked inside. I didn't know what to expect. There were about 10 Indian women in there. They shook my hand and all sat down. I crossed my legs and sat down. The pastor took a seat next to me. I was told that the boys had been sent to tell everyone of our arrival, and others would soon be filing in. They introduced themselves and the pastor did the same. As the others began filling the tiny shack one of the women began making tea over a little fire. One of the women began to sing, and others followed. Then a little boy, maybe 11 years old began to sing and play a drum....then he and a little girl, maybe 7 years old started dancing and singing songs....these people were worshiping! Really worshiping! I was choked up. The 20 people packed inside this house were filled with the Holy Spirit. They didn't need to be told about the importance of a relationship with the Lord, they had it! They knew it better than most!

I preached anyways, though I didn't talk as much on the Holy Spirit because they were living in Him. The little girl followed me to the other houses, playing with my hands as I spoke. The joy in that little girl spoke volumes to me. I walked away having learned more that I taught. Well, I gotta run again, no time in this shop

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